
XIX Copa Mercosur - Seniors

29 de Noviembre al 5 de Diciembre Cantegril Country Club

Picture of the week 01-09-15


¿Que es lo que realmente importa para ser felíz?

Un exhaustivo estudio de Harvard responde

5 of the World’s Best Hotel Restaurants

Sometimes determining where to eat when traveling can be daunting. Do you breathe a sigh of relief at the thought of your hotel taking some of the guesswork out of it for you? So do we. Swide shares 5 of the world’s best hotel restaurants.

Exploring the Wild, Wild East of Uruguay

Written by Paul Brady August 18, 2015 Eaches of Uruguay's coast, raw landscapes and unspoiled beaches have made Rocha the ultimate remote hideaway. Question is, can it hold out against the encroaching modern world? Nico Mendez, with water rushing past his thighs, kept turning to make sure I wasn’t being swept down the Arroyo Vali­zas and out to sea. I’d met him a few hours earlier at a gas station outside José Ignacio, which felt exactly as sketchy as it sounds—even though Nico greeted me with a beaming smile, the sort you’d expect from a sun­-bronzed guide who makes his living scampering across the lonely dunes of eastern Uru­guay. We hoped to make it to the town of Cabo Po­lonio, a sparsely populated coastal outpost with no electricity or running water, in time for lunch. But before that, we had to cross the arroyo. Now, as the sandy bottom seemed to wobble beneath my feet, I glanced up to meet Nico’s concerned gaze and wondered, How did I end up here, anyway?

Picture of the week 25-08-2015


Las personas optimistas tienen una cosa en común: siempre llegan tarde

Al parecer no es tan malo ser un poco impuntual. Si eres de los que la mayoría de las veces llega tarde a cualquier tipo de actividad, seguramente has recibido constantes críticas por esto. Tu tardanza es simplemente una consecuencia de tu psicología y personalidad. Nada más ni nada menos. Pero hay ciertos beneficios escondidos en este rasgo…



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